Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How I Found a Millionaire Mentor

On of my hobbies is studying wealthy people. From far off and up close. By up close I mean hanging out with them. I have my own millionaire mentor. She is a property developer who started from nothing and now owns property worth millions. How I found a millionaire and the steps I used to find one are what this article is about.


Let's define "Millionaire Mentor". It is someone who has started from nothing and now owns at least $2,000,000 worth of investment assets. This person gained wealth through sound financial principles. A strong financial position gives them plenty of time for family and friends, hobbies and interests. Part of their makeup is that they will pass on their knowledge to someone they consider worthwhile. This is a coaching or mentoring role. They don't do it for you. It is more like shining a light onto a stairway so you can see the steps.

The contacts, know how, and strategies they present are invaluable.


So why seek a millionaire mentor? Well I wanted to know is it possible to start from nothing in this country ( Australia for those of you reading this not in Australia) and go to massive wealth? At the time no one around me knew. Many of my friends had no money. They were just going to work to pay the bills and put food on the table. The treadmill of life. After watching myself and my friends , all of us in this position, it finally hit me. Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing this? So I stopped everything and dared to ask. "Can a person go from nothing in Australia to massive wealth?"
I found out the answer is yes.


A family member gave me a Jamie McIntyre DVD. It was called "What I didn't learn at school but wish I had". I put it on and watched it. Strangely enough I found myself watching it over and over again. He talks a lot about millionaire mentors . He mentioned the ideas and strategies he received from his mentors.

My mind started thinking "Wouldn't it be nice if I had a millionaire mentor. By watching the DVD over and over the desire to have one grew stronger. What I didn't know then was that the seed of desire was being planted into my subconscious mind. Once the desire grew to a certain size I had to act upon it. It drove me to physical action which made having a millionaire mentor a reality.



What stopped me from having a millionaire mentor in the first place was thoughts of "Not good enough", "Why would someone rich want to coach me","Millionaire mentors are hard to find". It was these thoughts that were holding me back. Many people have scripts in the mind that do not help them. These act as barriers to action and achievement. Some of them are conscious. Some are locked away in the subconscious below awareness.

I had to convince myself that I was good enough to attract a millionaire mentor. So I made a list of 5 goods financial habits. These things I take action on with my pay every week. Things such as saving 50% of my income. Until my mind thought I was good enough I knew that to act was useless. The change had to happen IN MY MIND FIRST. So I mapped out a weekly plan for my wages. My list looked something like this:

1. Save 50% of my income

2. Donate 10% to a worth cause

3. Had an open mind to new wealth strategies however hard the concept

4. Developed an ongoing Financial Intelligence Education through books and Seminars

5. A sincere desire to learn from a millionaire who had the patience to teach me.

Remember this list was created more to help me CONVINCE MYSELF than to impress others.



The next step was going out into the physical world to find a millionaire mentor. This involved meeting some weird characters but through persistence I found a millionaire who was willing to coach me. It takes courage and guts to go out and find one. But because I did so much inner work on my beliefs about wealth this step is actually the easiest.


The coaching that was given to me was through email and on to one conversation. A mixture of the old and new forms of communication.Then I was invited to meet some of my mentors' friends. I was totally intimidated. Just to give you an idea some of the conversation went like this. " I just got back from a holiday in Noosa. I bought a block of 6 units while I was there." Another one. " My 3 houses in Frankston are giving me a good yield. Not as good as my 3 townhouses in the inner CBD though!" The meeting with the investors totally blew my mind. It stretched me. WE all need mentors to help us stretch. Imagine if everyone had their own millionaire mentor. What a different world this would be.

If this article is of interest to you and and you would like FREE access to more resources can be found at http://prodev.meetup.com/28/

James Cassa - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Anybody Can Do It, I Did

Those who succeed are those who actually walk through the door of opportunity when it swings open. What is the secret of finding the door of opportunity? Is becoming skillful enough to be aware of such opportunity and extending your arms to embrace it.

What holds us back from achieving success is honestly examining your inner self. You will find out how strong your will power is and what resources you have to use to supplement your drive for success.

I for one lived a life suppressed from having any personal goals or at least not making them alive. When turning into adults, teenagers have to abandon the dreams and hopes they had as children and see the actual reality surrounding them. Society teaches us to follow a set plan and never go astray. We become good citizens and enter the educational system that only teaches us the required skills to become an employee.

I spent most of my adult life blindfolded to most of the open doors of opportunity. It is natural to believe that it is better to hide our failures and disappointment, as they can cause pain, making us feel inadequate. I found myself surrounded by negativity as I fulfilled a career as a Correctional Officer for 15 years. Although I always dreamed of becoming successful, my dreams were suppressed by a bi-weekly paycheck and my responsibilities as a head of household. The acceptance of fear of failure in my life deprives me from noticing and moving through the doors of opportunity. The routine of getting up and going to work seemed to be normal to me.

My life changed for me one evening prior to going to work. I received a call from a close friend of the family. She was calling us to announce her discovery of a fantastic business opportunity. She was proud of her discovery as she described the details to my wife. I was unaware of their conversation at first, but soon became curious of what was being said. I signaled my wife that I was leaving for work and she waved for me to pause for a minute. Our close friend had asked my wife to ask me a question before I left. The question was "How would you like to leave that job of yours forever?" My response was "How" while I was feeling a strong surge of skepticism throughout my body. She replied "Call me tomorrow for the details" which allowing me to maintain the thought of curiosity all night. The next day I was presented the business opportunity and four months later I resigned from my employer. I now live a life of joy with a lifestyle that I had only dreamed of in the past. Becoming a student of personal development was the key to my success.

The more you are aware of yourself and what skills you need to grow will determines the amount of positive energy you will get. The fact of this story is that you never know who and/or when that right opportunity will arise that will change your life forever.

There is no magical path to achieving success, but you can always increase the chances of reaching your goals with these simple steps.

1) We can change that by writing down your dreams, your ideals, and your honest ambitions. When you see the words on a paper it will have a strong effect on you and will help you realize if those dreams are worth fighting for.

2) Try to imagine yourself reaching your ideas by constructing an image of success in your conscious mind. You will also influence your subconscious to do the same. Protect yourself in the future, and embellish yourself with all the skills that you will need to reach that idea. By doing this as often as possible will reinforce your beliefs and increase the chances of getting where you wish. You will swamp your fears, and the achievement of your ideals will make you feel comfortable, rather than uncomfortable.

3) It is hard to manage all the issues mentioned above on your own. Never be afraid to ask someone you care about to assist. Share your feeling with a special person who will support your action. Even if you think you may not be accepted with your new ideals, why not try?

So, start looking for those open doors that are out there in this abundant world. Do everything you can to be ready. Don't just sit and wish for your dreams to come true. Be proactive and make sure that you are the most qualified when the door opens. Make sure that you work the hardest to get you the closest to your door of opportunity.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Self Improvement - Monthly Mentor

Having a monthly mentor can help you move your life forward much faster and achieve your goals easier. Do you need a mentor and if so how do you find one?

People are always saying that you need a mentor to achieve your goals, but for most people they assume that they have to go out and find an actual person to be their mentor.

Well this is not the case. While it is always best to talk to an actual mentor in person there is no reason why you can’t choose a person as your mentor and just read his or her books.

For instance you could have David Bach, the personal finance best selling author, as your money mentor. Now you don’t have to talk to him, which might be hard, but what about reading his books, newsletters, and other articles about him to learn his views on finances.

Many people get caught up when finding a mentor, but it is not that hard, and if you find one you don’t like get rid of them and find a new one. You should try to have a mentor for each area of your life that you want to improve. By doing this you will achieve higher levels of success and achieve them faster.

Start today and identity who you want to be your mentor in each area of your life that you want to improve. Then at least once a month, read this person’s book or newsletter and identify tips that you can use right now to improve your life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tabung Yayasan Ilham Budi

Sekiranya anda mendapati blog ini bermanfaat, apa kata anda hulurkan derma kepada “Tabung Derma Yayasan Ilham Budi”*.

Tabung Derma Yayasan Ilham Budi adalah untuk menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti Yayasan Ilham Budi, sebuah yayasan yang ditubuhkan oleh Nizal Mohammad & Irfan Khairi. Tabung ini ditubuhkan pada Oktober 2007 untuk mengumpulkan dana dalam menjayakan projek Yayasan Ilham Budi dalam pembangunan modal insan.

*Ketahui bahawa 100% daripada sedekah jariah anda akan disalurkan dalam menjayakan Yayasan Ilham Budi. Segala kos penyelenggaraan dan pengurusan di tanggung oleh Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd.

Apabila mati seorang anak Adam, terputus amalannya melainkan tiga perkara:

  1. Sedekah jariah
  2. Ilmu yang disampaikan
  3. Anak soleh yang mendoakannya

Sekiranya anda ingin menderma kepada “Tabung Yayasan Ilham Budi”, anda boleh lakukannya dengan cara di bawah:

  • Nama: Yayasan Ilham Budi
  • Bank: Maybank Berhad
  • Nombor Akaun: 564191011238
  • No. Pendaftaran : 560892 M (Akta Syarikat 1965)

Terima kasih atas sumbangan ikhlas anda!

Nota tambahan buat bloggers:

Sekiranya anda memiliki blog, anda juga dapat turut membantu dalam mengumpulkan dana Tabung Yayasan Ilham Budi. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah, letakkan link ini di blog anda.

Mudah-mudahan aktiviti blog anda menjadi amalan sedekah jariah dengan membantu menjayakan Tabung Yayasan Ilham Budi. Setiap derma yang disalurkan melalui blog anda adalah amal jariah daripada diri anda dan Tuhan sahaja dapat membalasnya!



Sekiranya minda kita dipenuhi dengan terlalu banyak perkara
negatif, kita akan memupuk tabiat berfikiran negatif. Sehingga
pemikiran negatif, menjadi dominan dan membahayakan diri.

Contohnya, kalau kita terdengar kawan kita kata:

"Eh, ko tau tak kat muzium ada si polan ni nak duduk dalam sangkar
dengan 200 ular berbisa selama satu minggu"

Selalunya apa yang kita fikirkan? Sering kali negatif:

1) Kerja gila si polan tu, kena patuk ular, terus gol... baru dia tau
(dah gol, nak tau apa lagi ye tak?)

2) Takde kerja si polan tu, nak cari publisiti murah!

3) Buang masa je, baik buat benda lain yang berfaedah & tak bahaya!

Betul kan? Ini kerana zaman ini, bila kita didedah dengan terlalu
banyak perkara negatif, maka, negatif lah dalam pemikiran kita. Ini
menjadikan berfikir negatif itu mudah. Sebabkan berfikir negatif
itu mudah, sebab itu banyak point-point yang negatif akan keluar
dulu dengan pantas.

Lawannya pula adalah berfikir positif. Kini, untuk berfikir positif
anda perlu usaha lebih sikit. Sebab ia menjadi sukar berfikir
positif. Mungkin anda fikir:

1) Wah, hebat si polan ni. Sudah tentu polan ni melalui latihan
minda dan fizikal yang amat tinggi nilainya!

2) Bagus juga si polan ni, silap-silap dapat masuk dalam Book of
World Records! Mari kita beri sokongan!

3) Kalau si polan boleh melakukan sesuatu yang luar biasa, aku pun
boleh juga! Ini satu inspirasi!

Setuju tak bahawa berfikir negatif adalah mudah dan berfikir
positif adalah susah?

Latihkan diri anda untuk berfikir positif setiap masa. Ia akan
memberi semangat dan motivasi yang hebat kepada diri anda sendiri.
Menurut buku "Secrets of Millionaire's Mind", pemikiran positif
adalah amat penting dalam mencapai kejayaan. Ia akan membuka lebih
banyak pintu rezeki dan membolehkan kita melihat peluang-peluang
yang ada di sekeliling kita.

Irfan Khairi

How My Millionaire Mentor Helps Me Think and Grow Rich

This article is about my millionaire mentor who helps me think and grow rich. He started out in debt with no job. Now he is a self made multi millionaire. A wise person once said 'You lead by example'. The best way to learn how to make a success of your life is to find someone that has already done it. That's what I did. He helped me in many ways in wealth creation.

A good millionaire mentor quotes lots of facts. Here is a quote from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. In Australia by age 65, 96% of the population will be dead or dead broke. 3% will have financial independence, 1% will be rich. These statistics hit you like being slapped across the face with a bar of cold steel. When my mentor shared this with me I went into a state of shock. That was a good thing because it made me think. Then I took action because I didn't want to be in the 96% group who are dead or dead broke. Doesn't sound like much fun. Let me explain how I used this information to my benefit and how you can too.

A coach shows you in such a way that it challenges, stretches, and sometimes even shocks you. Believe it or not you benefit from this. Eventually you come out of the experience having accomplished a lot more. This is why not having a coach is a huge disadvantage. The above quoted Australian Bureau of Statistics facts was used by my mentor to inspire me to take action. This is a classic use of the Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP ) technique called interrupting someone's pattern. A pattern interrupt is another name for it. It is achieved by experiencing a jolt or shock. Something out of the ordinary has an emotional impact which in turn interrupts behaviour. A good coach can use this to achieve positive results with who they are mentoring.

Another avenue my mentor opened up for me was my subconscious mind. The subconscious mind contains many drives and beliefs about money. I discovered many limiting beliefs in my subconscious about money. So I started to dig. What I found were many fears and beliefs that did not serve me. The subconscious mind is a vast and powerful part of the mind and it pays you to know about it. However it is ignored for the most part. It can be used to work for you to your benefit. My mentor showed me how to do this in a practical way that gave results.

Did my millionaire mentor really help me make money? The answer is yes. Personally my awareness on the value of saving increased. So I saved more. My financial intelligence increased. So I purchased assets that only go up in value. My mentor gave me an education that will last for life.

In the final analysis a good millionaire mentor helps you solve problems. They don't do it for you but they do open up a new world of possibility and opportunity. They do this through their coaching and communication with you. If your bank balance increases as a result of the association, isn't that what finding a millionaire mentor is all about?

James Cassa - EzineArticles Expert Author